Any Suggestions On A New Plec For My Tank?


New Member
Apr 6, 2007
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Hi i already have a bristlenose plec in my 420 litre tank, i'm looking to get another plec any suggestions? has to be an algae eater and look attractive and also not too big in size, and also get on with the bristlenose?
I would like to get a female bristlenose but i have heard that it is quite hard to determine the difference between male/female and wouldn't like to get another male as they can get very territorial?
Hard lmao ?


haha... obviously its easy to distinguish when the bristlenose is at adult form, i meant to say at a young age? I would like another species of Plec any ideas anyone?
You could get a group of 3 or 4 Pitbulls. They only get to 2.8" but they do need to be in groups or you will never see them.


If I wanted a mature male BN I would buy one when it is old. I usually have to pay $7 AUD for a 1" BN. Yet a 6" BN would sell for $35 AUD, not bad eh?

If I was you I'd buy something that gets bigger than 6" as you dont want a small fish in a large tank.
I have to disagree Mystix.
We have 10 Plecos in our 137G tank and they are fine. They are kept with Barbs, Tetras and Pictus catfish and are all doing fine.
Our smallest Pleco is a Leopard Frog and he's only 2"-3", our biggest is our Peckoltia L205 who is about 6"-7". s long as there are plenty of hiding spaces and bogwood then they'll be fine. :good:
They eat everything they can find.

Took them about a month to regularly start on the glas but they got there eventually.

If you overfeed your other fish then these will eat all the leftovers, but then leave algae alone.

I try to starve them as much as poss so that they will look for food.

Ottos are much better for algae, but yes Pitbulls do eat algae if there is nothing else.

I was talking about having plecs in smaller tanks, anyhoo, A clown pleco looks good. But they get too small. I dont know what to pick, so many species. Perhaps a leapord or something.

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