Any Suggestions For Betta-friendly Schooling Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Southeastern USA

I'm considering what to put in a 20G planted tank. A betta's a given, but I thought I'd add some schooling fish to this tank. So far, this is what I've thinking about:

1 betta
3 cories
2 otos

I had thought about a half-dozen neon tetras until I read advice not to house them with a betta. Any suggestions for a more compatible species? Thanks for your help!


PS -- I'm posting this on the cyprinid board as well.
I've had great success keeping white clouds with bettas. I think they're technically subtropical, but mine seem to be doing fine in tropical temps :)
I was once recommended Harlequin Rasrobas on this forum, don't know of the accuracy of this statement, but they are darn pretty fish, IMHO. I'm toying with the idea of getting a few for my 20H.
I have harlequin Rasaboras with cories and a Synirr boy. I also have a long tail plakat with a cockatoo in a cory tank. Recently I added a Synirr boy to my 100 usg community tank. It has tetras of all sizes, honeys, sparkling gouramis, cockatoos, agazassi red tails, scarlet dario darios, clown loach, and some stray cories. I will add some Breckfordi pencils soon and perhaps some porkchop rasaboras.

All three of these tanks are doing well and the Betta Boys seem happy--although the filtration in all three tanks is too high for much bubblenesting, but not impossible because there are floating plants in all but the rasabora/cory tank.

The Betta with the Tetras is a plakat Synirr Boy, so he is a good swimmer. I don't think I would put a VT or some other long, full tailed Betta in with Tetras.
A little salt is okay for bettas. In fact, there are a few people who regularly keep a pinch of salt in their water at all times. I'm not one of those people. I've read that there can be difficulties involved in keeping them in salty water, although I honestly don't know what they are. Salt is also a common treatment for sick bettas.
I have recommended harlequin rasboras in the past at this forum, and they are an excellent fish with either long-finned or plakat bettas. I also recommend most of the smaller rasboras, especially rasbora brigittae. Though they are very tiny, they are quick and easily avoid an inquisitive betta. I wish I had more of them, but they are hard to find. Small rasboras are also great in planted tanks. But salt is not so great in planted tanks. Some may disagree, but I have never used salt in a planted aquarium, the plants really notice it.
Mollies don't actually 'require' salt, that is a falsity. Mollies can be kept fresh, brackish, or complete salt. IT depends on how they are reared and acclimated.

I don't keep any of my community livebearers with salt, mainly because I also keep tetras who do not enjoy salt in their tanks.

However, the female mollies I keep with female bettas do get a 'touch' of salt, because I maintain, spawn and rear all my bettas with a touch of salt.

Hope this helps

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