Any Small Oddballs For Either 25l Hex Tank Or 15gal Rec.


Fish Herder
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
Rye, East Sussex

i'm currently moving my current fish out of my 15gal to re vamp it, and they are staying in a small tank my uncle donated to me. my parents said no more tanks but i think now i have this small tank set up i might be able to keep it. so i was wondering are their any oddballs to go in such a small tank. or even my 15 gallon?

I have an 8-gallon tank on a windowsill that contains various plants, snails (including juvenile Tylomelania spp.), cherry shrimps, and a trio of desert gobies, Chlamydogobius eremius.

The plants a mix of cuttings, floating plants, and potted Cryptocoryne. Substrate is a bit of pond soil mixed with smooth silica sand. I probably should have a glass (or similar) lid to stop the gobies jumping out, but it's nice watching the plants growing above the waterline. A heater is used in winter, but otherwise direct sunlight seems to handle both warming the water and providing light for the plants. Filtration is via a small Eheim aquaball unit. Seems to work well; the cherry shrimps breed like crazy! The water is slightly brackish, around SG 1.002.

My point is that if you think "small", and work around the restrictions in terms of stocking, you can create a good fun little tank.

Cheers, Neale

in a 15G you could keep dwarf puffers easily :)

3-4 i think you could get in there :good: its recommended 5G per puffer :good:

they need very very very very planted tanks though
You could have 4 no probs. Some people work to 5g per puff and other sources have 5g for first puff and 3g for each additional. I had a 14g with 4 in and they were fine (ended up moving one as had two males). Just make sure you go with one male to two/three females in the tank if do.

Males tend to have blue eye wrinkles and stripe down their belly, unfortunately cant tell this until fully mature as juveniles can look like females (and females can sometimes have a dominant stripe!). Try to get mature DPs or be prepared to move stuff around :)
and what about an oddball for my 15 gal? that isn't a dwarf puffer. would i be able to have some sort of other fresh water puffer?
Hi, have a look on here....

There are a couple you could keep in your tank, but they would have to be the only resident in the tank. Don't discount DP's though....amazing little fish and 3 would go nicely in your tank!

Lisa x
Lol....sorry didn't realise you already had some!!!!

Did you look on Pufferlist? You could have a single Irrubesco....sure there was another you can keep in your size of tank as well.

Lisa x
i like the idea of having a south american. its just finding one now i think i will try tropical fish finder. would a south american be ok with a cory?
TFF is a good place to find fish; there's quite a few places listing Colomesus asellus in stock.

As for mixing them with (a school of, not "a") Corydoras, the answer is not really, no; they will nip them, given the chance. In a really big tank the Corydoras will hide away if they get too harassed, but then, what's the point?

Cheers, Neale

i like the idea of having a south american. its just finding one now i think i will try tropical fish finder. would a south american be ok with a cory?
TFF is a good place to find fish; there's quite a few places listing Colomesus asellus in stock.

As for mixing them with (a school of, not "a") Corydoras, the answer is not really, no; they will nip them, given the chance. In a really big tank the Corydoras will hide away if they get too harassed, but then, what's the point?

Cheers, Neale

i like the idea of having a south american. its just finding one now i think i will try tropical fish finder. would a south american be ok with a cory?

yer i know i need to get more but i'm not a huge fan of cory's as i only offered this one a home as it was being mis treated but someone i know.

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