Any platy connoisseurs on this forum?


Feb 29, 2004
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On the Banks of the Wabash, Indiana
Hey guys! I tried posting this under "livebearers", but not getting any responses. My LFS got in some hifin blue variatus platies (it's been years since I have seen a hifin livebearer of any kind, used to have Simpson hifin swords when I was a kid but they seemed to have just disappeared). I bought 4 females and 2 males. Decided to do an internet search to see what kind of info I could come up with on these fish. Evidently there are hifin varieties of marigolds, sunsets, red wags, and blacks available from time to time (though I've never seen any). The only reference I could find to the hifin blues was an article in a magazine detailing one man's search for "the elusive highfin blue variatus". What I'm wondering is if any of you are familiar with this fish, does anyone currently have them, have you seen them in shops in your area....or have I just stumbled across something rare and need to run back to the shop and buy up all the rest of them?
One of the older members of the aquatics club I am in breeds platys. I've seen him selling hifins, but not sure if he is breeding any blues. I may be talking to him this weekend, I'll let you know.

id say get some, ive never seen any, not even at my lfs which has all rare fish, so they must be rare platties.
Thanks,people! I'll try to get you some pictures in the very near future, I know that is always a big help, but my son currently has the camera. When I first saw the fish in the shop, I bought six of them, 2 males, 4 females. Since posting this question and unsuccessfully attempting on my own to find info or pictures of them, I went back to the shop and bought all the rest of them. I now have 15. It would be nice if they were rare, but if not I am happy to have them in my collection as they really are a striking little fish.
Tolak, that would be wonderful if you could talk to the platy breeder. You are fortunate to have a club in your area, wish I had one in my area.
Have to say it again, this forum and the people on it are the best! Thanks for your input :D

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