Any Plants Silver Dollars Will Leave Alone?


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
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whats up fishforums, So lately ive been trying to add all kinds of different plants, but by the next day my silver dollar has completely chowed them down to the stem. Im completely aware silver dollars are not plant friendly. The only plant i have had luck with so far is java fern. only seems to take tiny little nibbles here and there, not affecting its growth.

Any Ideas on some plants that might not taste as good for him?

I thought I could get away with live plants and silver dollars too.

Yeah . . . no. :no:

Actually, I take that back. Or at least part of it. I guess they didn't touch my jungle vals or java ferns. But all of my stem plants got completely munched. And, since the stem plants are the only ones I actually have to work to keep alive, they're the only ones I tend to focus on. But now that I think about it, they really didn't mess with my "background" (or at least the background of mind) plants much at all.

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