Any-one Ever Cross-bred A Firemouth And A Salvini? I Nearly Am!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2006
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I have a female salvini and a male firemouth and yesterday saw the female laying eggs on a piece of slate! Then the male did something with them and now the females guarding them! They didn't eat them overnight so hopefully they will hatch without them eating them!! :D
hmm they may be infirtile....
like some hybrids can be concieved but the eggs never hatch,
tell me, are they White coloured or an orangey brown?
I have a female salvini and a male firemouth and yesterday saw the female laying eggs on a piece of slate! Then the male did something with them and now the females guarding them! They didn't eat them overnight so hopefully they will hatch without them eating them!! :D

My pet store has some they r selling the babies. I will have to get pic of them.
sounds really cool, I don't own cichlids but they are fascinating little things, aren't they?
Keep us posted! :good:


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