Any Of These Non-community?


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2008
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Any of these NOT community fish please?

Desperate for some advise PLEASE

sailfin molly
bleeding heart tet
red eye tet
rummy nose tet
serpae tt
xray tet
cardinal tet
black neon tet
tiger barb
black ruby barb
zebra loach
those fish should get along with each other but the tiger barbs, red eye & serpae tetras are fin nippers and will usually cause problems to fish with long flowing fins, (male fighter, angelfish, guppies).

Most of those fishes also come from soft acid water, whereas the mollies like hard alkaline water. If you keep the PH close to 7.2 and the general hardness (GH) above 150ppm they should be fine together.

Scissortail rasboras jump so a cover is needed for them.
In my opinion, tiger barbs don't make very good community fish as they can be very aggressive and will attack much larger fish.
zebra loaches can get quite big as well. barbs get nippy.
I agree tiger barbs are bad fish to keep unless u get them stocked withthe right fish. Also the zebra loach can grow big in your tank.
from personal experience I would say serpaes are worse than tiger barbs. vicious nippy little feckers although look good
Well i keep searpea tetra they are fien with each other. :D. Although they chase other fish but they are fine. :D

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