Any Of These 3?


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
One of my LFS has these 3 plecs in stock but I am not too sure whether any of them will be totally at home in my set-up.

Rio 180 standard filtration with added Fluval 2 internal at the minute whilst tank is recovering from re-aquascaping and substrate change.

Sanded bottom with a lot of bogwood, a few rounded pebbles, a mass of Java fern onto wood, a few other fast growing cabomba and elodea that has just gone in today. I have placed links to Planet Catfish for each of the 3 and then made some comments as to why I think they may be unsuitable but I am really looking for advice from anyone who has these fish that may allow me to overcome my initial fears!!!

1. Royal Plec


My main fear with this one is that it says it requires a strong current and well oxygenated water in an issue of PFK from some months back. I do have an airpump that I could have on at sometime but as anyone with a Juwel will know the filter does not give a great current.

2. L-136B


This one also says a stronger than normal current will help and that it can be rather boistrous towards plecs of similar size. I currently have a 3 1/2" L-205 who is so passive towards other fish it is un-real!!

3. L-200


The current again could be the issue here and it also states that bogwood and plants are not required and as my tank revolves around those 2 things it does put me off!

Please don't think that I have to purchase one of these 3 as I am going to the Waterzoo and to Maidenhead in Peterborough in just under 2 weeks so I'm hoping to pick something up there if one of these 3 isn'r the right one for me.

Thanks for all your help again guys/gals!!!
The Panaque as far as I know will get quite big and may need a bigger tank.
We have an L200 in our 180 litre tank at the moment and he is fine but he will be moved to a bigger tank in a week or so.
As for the 2nd one, I've not much idea but as he doesn't get very big he will probably be fine.
I am aware L-200 gets big but they are slow growing and my LFS has found a batchload that are no more than 2" in length and selling at £15. The usual ones I see are nearly full-grown and retailing at £60+.
Size wise the hypancistrus will be fine, in a tank that size 2 small plecs should be able to find their own hiding places without much problem.
They do prefer more water flow so maybe position some caves in the path of the filter output.
They should be fine in there - just make sure they have somewhere to hide as they can be quite shy at times.
I am aware L-200 gets big but they are slow growing and my LFS has found a batchload that are no more than 2" in length and selling at £15. The usual ones I see are nearly full-grown and retailing at £60+.
Sorry Ghent, I didn't mean to imply the L200 wouldn't be ok in your tank :blush:
We have bogwood and slate in our tank so he's got plenty of hiding places. :)
I'm sure an L200 would be fine, both of the two species covered by that Lno stay fairly small (no more than 7"). A royal plec however can get very large, but we're talking at the rate of an inch a year. I'm sorry I dont know the other plec but here's the Planet Catfish page for it if that's any help:

I'd go for the L200 (purely because I want one badly lol) - they're very hardy apparently. Just because they dont necessarily need bogwood, that doesn't mean you cant have it ;) Many plecs eat bogwood as a healthy fibre intake - no, they're not a plec that needs it as the main part of their diet, but maybe they might like a nibble now and again like many of the other non-wood-eaters ;)

Edited to add - oops, just realised you already had the link. Just goes to show I shouldn't jump into threads to help out on my way up to :blush:
L200 looks to be the safest bet, you will have to upgrade to a larger tank or give him/her away. It is a stunning fish.
Size wise the hypancistrus will be fine, in a tank that size 2 small plecs should be able to find their own hiding places without much problem.
They do prefer more water flow so maybe position some caves in the path of the filter output.
They should be fine in there - just make sure they have somewhere to hide as they can be quite shy at times.

The TFF authourity on Plecos has spoken!!! :kana:

I was tossing and turning in bed thinking that L-200 is best bet, I am thinking about keeping additional internal filter running now and aiming the outlet in such a way it provides a strong current to a section of the tank so as to suitable for L-200. Still debating whether to hang on for my visit to Waterzoo and Maidenhead tough in the hope of finding something perfectly compatible for the tank currently.

Oh the joys of fishkeeping!!!
I am aware L-200 gets big but they are slow growing and my LFS has found a batchload that are no more than 2" in length and selling at £15. The usual ones I see are nearly full-grown and retailing at £60+.

I messed this post up, this should have been describing the Royal, the LFS has a batchload of ROYALS at £15 a piece, the L-200's are about £18-£20 I think and are about 4" in size.

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