Any Mechanical Minded People In Here?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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i have a design i want to build, i have the equipment but not the brains to figure it out!!

basically it will be three large tanks connected together so water flows from one tank into the next (like a waterfall effect, with each tank being lower than the one before it)

my original thread is here
so if anyone here can gimme some tips on how to do it id be grateful :)
what you want is an over flow box


This allows water to flow out of one tank and then to be piped to the next tank and so on, the last tank then goes back to the first.
The only problem is all the tanks will have to be at different height's so gravity can feed the water.
where would i get one of those helter? never seen one before!
Their not cheap thats the main problem, not easy to copy either :(

the best place i can see is ebay
3 tanks 90cm long in total using 6mm glass and 40cm wide


90cm glass base

1 side 470x400mm
1 sides 500x400mm
2 sides 500x288mm = top section

2 sides 400x294mm
1 side 370x400mm =middle section

2 sides 300x294mm
1 side 300x400mm = bottom section

3 pieces 200x30mm = lips to create waterfall effect

6 pieces 100x30mm =to go either side of lips to channel the water they stand horizontally like a tank side.

External filter with good flow rate cut hole in bottom tank side and attach hose 300mm high on back pannel cut 2nd return hole 350mm up on back pannel of top tank.

Should all work but I take no responsobility for a flooded room and lots of bad language
what you want is an over flow box


This allows water to flow out of one tank and then to be piped to the next tank and so on, the last tank then goes back to the first.
The only problem is all the tanks will have to be at different height's so gravity can feed the water.

Have I missed something here, or does your universe follow a different set of laws that allow water to run back to the first tank without the aid of a pump :unsure:
what you want is an over flow box

This allows water to flow out of one tank and then to be piped to the next tank and so on, the last tank then goes back to the first.
The only problem is all the tanks will have to be at different height's so gravity can feed the water.

Have I missed something here, or does your universe follow a different set of laws that allow water to run back to the first tank without the aid of a pump :unsure:

LOL the over flow works by having water both sides of then U bend over the edge of the tank.
At the top of the U is a air nipple, you then have to remove the air from this and once a a flow into the main tank is created, a flow over out is created.

This is the same process as syphoning out water.

Also this saves cutting or drilling any good tanks.

Or could this be alien technology in our hands already!
the end tank already has an installed overflow and hole in the bottom of this to connect to the sump (bought it for this reason) will i need two of those overflow boxes if using a three tank design?

doh! if my tank is already drilled i dont need an overflow that right?? ??

so i just need to add piece to the edges of the tanks so the water flows from one to the next without spilling out?
If the last tank is drilled your need a down pipe or your be sucking in air (external pump)
Or a pump connected to the down pipe, then the main pipe running back to the first tank.

To clear things up.

You are having 3 tanks next to each other?
If they have a lip cut you can easily then let water over low the lip.
If you dont want to cut then u need a OFB running to allow the water to flow to the next.

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