Any lighting Suggestions?


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
I have a 29 gallon, 2 10 Gallon, a 55 Gallon, and a 10 gallon salt (no fish in it yet because not good enough lighting). All have original lighting. The 29 has 20 watt, the 3 tens have 18 watts, and the 55 has 40 watts. I am only 15 and cant get a job yet (where i live you have to be 16 to get a job). Does anyone have any affordable lighting suggestions (especially for the ten salt i want to get it started)...
I find that if you line the upper side of the light fictures with aluminum foil, it can in some cases double the intensity. make sure it is smooth and covers all of the area above the light.
No not just fish. Im gonna stat out with a clown and an anemamie but when i can they are going to be moved to a 29 gallon tank.
Oscar, do the 29gal right off. The 10 will be a waste of time and money. A good lighting setup will be about the same price for either tank, but when you step up to the 29 if you start with a 10, the lighting will be inadequate.

Spend mucho time reading and researching on sites like reef central. It can be very humbling to find out how difficult amarine tank can be. I am not trying to discourage, but it scares me to think that there are many people just jumping right in. Within a year, many will meet with disaster.

I have been doing this for almost 4 years now, and I have somewhere aroud the $7000 mark invested into my tank, and I am still a fledgling in many respects.


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