any krib experts? :P

Sandi Candy

New Member
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I'm planning on setting up a 30 gallon tank soon. I want to have a pair of kribs in there but how do i get a pair? do i need to buy 4-6 younger ones and let them pair off on their own? OR do i just pick out a nice male and a nice female.. any info would be helpful. thanks in advance. ;)
I've bought kribs twice. On both occasions I picked out one male and one female at the store. Eventually both couples spawned together, so it seems they're not too picky about their mates. Just make sure the male is bigger than the female.
Echo what Morrgan, said, pick a nice large male and a smaller female who has the redest belly.

When I got a nice male I bought him three females (about half his size) and added them to my 75g community. He paired off with the rosiest female within a day and they stayed together and chased the others off whenever they saw them. Within a few weeks I had 50 fry! It might have sped up the pairing off by having more, but buying one of each is bound to work too

Be careful just buying one Male and one Female. Although I have not had this happen, a friend did that and ended up with a dead male. The female just DID NOT LIKE HIM :( She replaced him after a couple weeks and this pair is fine.

Just wanted you to know it doesn't always work :)
IMO i always think its a good idea when you are pairing up cichlids of any type to get at least 4 of them. Preferable get them from different stores that way the chances of inbreeding are less plus it helps to replenish the gene pool. But it is better IMHO to have at least 4 of them and let them pair off on their own. That way they are happy, they picked the mate that suites them, they know whats good and whats not, and you normally don't have killed fish like you often do from forced pairing. It may be more expensive but it will save you troubles in the long run. You may think the fish you are pairing up would be a good couple but there are things that the fish can tell that you can't, which is why its a good idea to let them pair off on their own. But IF you do still wanted to do it the forced spawning method get an albino female and a normal male. Males always pick albino females over regular females because their bellies are more red and visible, and females pick regular males over albino males because of some reason, i don't know why, i'm sure there is a reason though. So if you do it that way, albino female normal male, your chances of getting a forced spawn to work are better. Hope that helped!

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