any info Peacock Gobys

Seb R

Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, England
Well I'm about to free up a tank pretty soon, so I was looking for 'different' fish. Found myself thinking about peacock gobys. Only porb is I can't find alot of first hand knowledge on them.

Anyone know about water stats, tank mates or general things about them.

Any knowledge is extremely welcome.


Heres a bit of info for you:

Form experience these are great little fish stick them in a tank with lots of plants and put some pipes in there too. Once they are fully grown a feamle will have a big yellow belly and a male will have a big head! they are very easy to breed with the male looking after the eggs but not the fry!
i found they were great fish with loads of personality considering their size they were very hardy and yet very beautiful and i would consider keeping them again in the future.
i don't think they need a huge tank i had a pair in a 5 gallon tank and they actaully bred in there! They are community fish and will tolerate others though if you get a group they may chase each other a bit. But otherwise are completley harmless
oh cool links thanks. Never knew about the search engine

one thing can someone tell me the ideal pH
I once had a peacock goby that killed half my neons and a female siamese fighter AND a reasonably sized Kissing Gourami...I wouldn't keep 'em with very small fish but then my guy was probably just a rogue.

Nice fish though.
as you can see from my sig, i keep mine with cardinal, glowlight tetras, dwarf gourami, and a botia as permanent housemates, i originally started out with just 2 and now i have 5 :D , oh and also some shrimps, they are very nice, and have beautiful markings and colourings.

PH = 7

(any other questions?) edit - how big is the tank btw?
tank size is varible, might get a new one, or completely free up the 60L.
But actually I don't think I could fairly have them in a 60L.

Guess I'll wait a bit for a new one, especially if they are as carnivorous as that! they looked so innocent?!
Seb R said:
tank size is varible, might get a new one, or completely free up the 60L.
But actually I don't think I could fairly have them in a 60L.

Guess I'll wait a bit for a new one, especially if they are as carnivorous as that! they looked so innocent?!
The biggest food they can eat IME are live brine shrimp, these gobies aren't really a threat to any fish :lol:
Yeah, I had mine with tetras, apistos, livebearers, they never gave anyone any aggro at all. Lovely fish! Ich killed 2 (always quarantine your new fish!!!) but I am definitely going to get the remaining one some little buddies..... would be soooo cool if they bred!

They are beautiful and full of character - you should get some!
they do sounds really good, are they like cichlids in thier behaviour?

mmm... yer i think i will though i recon my 60L without guppies (praised be the day) would still be too small
Seb R said:
they do sounds really good, are they like cichlids in thier behaviour?

mmm... yer i think i will though i recon my 60L without guppies (praised be the day) would still be too small
A little , they just don't seem as intelligent, not to me , I had one male that must have thought he was huge .........he'd go back at my bigger male cockatoo cichlid nothing serious , males are very flashy while courting .......awesome :)

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