Fish Fanatic
My friend has a Dasyatis Bleekeri Ray for sale that came in from Singapore, I have the opportunity to buy it, do you have any information/ pictures on it?
Its size is 14cm excluding the tail (I have not seen it yet)
My Aquarium is 50 Uk Gallons, 250 Litres (Vision 260)
The tank has been running for over a year, I am able to move my discus and plecos to another aquarium to accomadate the Ray, In the future I plan to buy a bigger tank- 8ft.
Do you have a link to any pictures of the Dasyatis Bleekeri Ray, as im unable to source any.
Would my tank suffice the Ray until my larger tank is set up (within 12 months- Im saving for it)
I know its best to leave the tank bottom empty, which is what I would be doing.
What temperature would the tank need to be at?
What would you suggest I use to transport the ray into the tank, and what do I need to do do acclimtasise it?
I know they are very sensative.
What recommended foods do you suggest I feed it, other than blood worms, prawns, musle etc.
I meant to be going tomorrow to be collecting it, but I want to be sure that im in a position to be able to keep it alive and look after it.
Two weeks ago, I dosed my tank with Pimaflix, would this affect the ray? even though the treatment was added two weeks ago?
I was thinking I may be ok with this since I waterchanged my tank today.
My temperature is at 30c, and I have external filtration running (tetratec ex1200),
Many Thanks for any help you can give.
My friend has a Dasyatis Bleekeri Ray for sale that came in from Singapore, I have the opportunity to buy it, do you have any information/ pictures on it?
Its size is 14cm excluding the tail (I have not seen it yet)
My Aquarium is 50 Uk Gallons, 250 Litres (Vision 260)
The tank has been running for over a year, I am able to move my discus and plecos to another aquarium to accomadate the Ray, In the future I plan to buy a bigger tank- 8ft.
Do you have a link to any pictures of the Dasyatis Bleekeri Ray, as im unable to source any.
Would my tank suffice the Ray until my larger tank is set up (within 12 months- Im saving for it)
I know its best to leave the tank bottom empty, which is what I would be doing.
What temperature would the tank need to be at?
What would you suggest I use to transport the ray into the tank, and what do I need to do do acclimtasise it?
I know they are very sensative.
What recommended foods do you suggest I feed it, other than blood worms, prawns, musle etc.
I meant to be going tomorrow to be collecting it, but I want to be sure that im in a position to be able to keep it alive and look after it.
Two weeks ago, I dosed my tank with Pimaflix, would this affect the ray? even though the treatment was added two weeks ago?
I was thinking I may be ok with this since I waterchanged my tank today.
My temperature is at 30c, and I have external filtration running (tetratec ex1200),
Many Thanks for any help you can give.