Siamese Fighter05
Fish Herder
Ive had my panda corys about 6-7months now and i didnt think much about the differences between them. I was looking on a cory index site and just noted how different varieties that looked almost the same with maybe just one marking difference were often different species.
There is a difference between my two. The smaller one looks identical to the pictures of the pandas on the index but the slightly bigger one has a few differences.
1. He looks like he has a more light brown shiny coat
2. his dorsal fin is a alot taller and his caudal is larger
3. His marking arent the same as a normal panda, He has two black lines separating at his tail and they run each side past the dorsal fin and go over both eyes and the meet again at his mouth.
I bought them both at the same time and from the same tank and they were labelled as pandas, but im unsure if they both are now
sorry no pics but ill try and get some if no-one has any ideas.
I couldnt find any matching species on the index some im lost
There is a difference between my two. The smaller one looks identical to the pictures of the pandas on the index but the slightly bigger one has a few differences.
1. He looks like he has a more light brown shiny coat
2. his dorsal fin is a alot taller and his caudal is larger
3. His marking arent the same as a normal panda, He has two black lines separating at his tail and they run each side past the dorsal fin and go over both eyes and the meet again at his mouth.
I bought them both at the same time and from the same tank and they were labelled as pandas, but im unsure if they both are now

I couldnt find any matching species on the index some im lost