Any Ideas On Rainbow Fish


Apr 26, 2010
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Im busy sorting out my stocking an was wondering if you could help me find a decent rainbow fish that would suit this stocking. The stocking is as follows:

10-15 Harlequins
10-15 Lemon Tetras
6 Bronze Corys
2 Keyhole Cichlids
Trio of Cockatoo Cichlids

Tank is 43 US gallons and is well planted!

Any suggestions?
I love them! They are so colourful and energetic. I have 3 red rainbow fish (see my avatar) and 3 boesemanis
Melanotaenia praecox

1 i want to thank you for finding me the site i have been looking for that past hour with just one single name! 2 i was thinking them however, 8cm is like 3.1 inch which would mean i could only get like 6 of those. I want something a bit smaller so I can get a few more of them around 8-10. I don't think they would go with the trio of cockatoos either.

I think any Pseudomugil species would work?
What about Celebes Rainbowfish/Marosatherina ladigesi?
YOu could easily have 10 of those :)
Would these be any good... ?
Yes but these get quite big and chunky and your tank is almost fully stocked
Iriatherina werneri are pretty #41#### small, as are fish from the Pseudomugil family. But you could have them. But you'd have to check their water requirements, which are quite different from the fish you already have.
What about Celebes Rainbowfish/Marosatherina ladigesi?
YOu could easily have 10 of those :)

I would definitely second this suggestion! I have 6 and they're great, they have really coloured up since first getting them and they're very active and playful with each other. :)
What about Celebes Rainbowfish/Marosatherina ladigesi?
YOu could easily have 10 of those :)

I would definitely second this suggestion! I have 6 and they're great, they have really coloured up since first getting them and they're very active and playful with each other. :)

Just read up on them and they sound just what i am looking for! Thanks everyone!
Good luck
I had a group of 10 of them and I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them. My favourite thing about them is probs the fact that they swim very gracefully, IMO I find it relaxing B-)

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