Any ideas for cheap wood?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
London, UK
I'm looking to get a fair amount of natural looking wood for my aquarium, any ideas for getting it cheap? I saw on the pinned topic at the top about drift wood, can you just go down to the beach and use that? Is it safe? It's going into a brackish tank.


The cheapest place for driftwood, besides getting it from the beach, is a landscaping outfit. Huge pieces that will hardly fit in my truck, $50.

I've got a piece of driftwood that I picked up on vacation in a tank. Just boil it for a while, attach a piece of slate, and in the tank it goes.

jay2jay99 said:
Is it safe? It's going into a brackish tank.
is it safe all depends on where you got it from.
check with the local enviorment agency to see if the beach is a "clean" one.

driftwood for a brackish tank maybe ok, however the salt content in the wood may be higher than the salt in your tank. place the wood in a bucket and leave for a few days then test the salinity and compare it with you brackish tank.

Personally I'd spend the cash and be 100% safe.

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