Any Idea What Catfish This Is?


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Sorry I haven't got any photos, but I saw a tiny spotted catfish in Petsathome and it didn't have a label. Think it must have been a baby (about 2.5-3" long). It had a white body with dark brown spots, almost leopard in pattern.
Any ideas? Trying to find a pic, but don't know what I'm looking for?
could be many things
but jaguar cat or false jaguar cat spring to mind
also tyr variouse other tatia species
Not the jaguar or false jaguar. Closest pic I can find is of the Tatia perugiae
Tatia perugiae
However, I don't remember the mouth looking like that? Swear it had a flater head with whiskers. Will have to go back and find out. Would love to add him to my community, however like to research the fish first before I take the plunge!
Synodontis shoutedeni ?


Synodontis nigriventris

Still whiter in the body than that!!! oh it's really bugging me now :grr: Thanks for the pics tho!
Never seen any catfish like these in petsathome before, and it actually looked healthy! Could it be whiter in colour because it is a juvenile?
Ok I think you could be right, this pic looks very similar

Would they be ok in a community. Think my neons may be a problem (food), but how would they be with a pair of bristlenoses? Can I keep one, or are they best in pairs?
Well just phoned the store and they have told me it's a gibbiceps? Just looked them up and it looks nothing like it? Sooooo confused? They are £3.99 so perhaps it is just a very colourful juvenile?

Hmmmm what to do? The above grow huge apparently!

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