Any Idea On How To Get Them To Eat?


Fish Addict
Aug 25, 2007
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I just bought 2 new Macrognathus arals. I am now up to three. It has been just over a week and they still will not eat. I have tried live and frozen bloodworms, live earthworms, frozen vitamin enhanced brine shrimp, frozen mysis, frozen tubifex, and lobster eggs. I have fed them with the lights off. The tank size is 80g. Their tankmates are a 8" senegal bichir, 7" severum, 1 ropefish, and a 6" bgk (temporary). Water stats are:

KH: 70
Nitrates: 0-5


like you mentioned, they're new. i've known of spiney eels which refused to eat for a week or two after getting into the new tank. it may take awhile before they do feed, which they'd eventually do so when they're hungry.
That's the thing, it has already been over a week and are looking pretty emaciated. I'm not too sure how much longer they'll hold out. Yes, I know that it probably wasn't the best idea to buy such a starved fish, but these two were the only two left and the shop was feeding them flakes. It was a rescue more than anything.

you'd be surprised if i told you there are spiney eels out there which do consume flakes or pellets. not really the norm but that was how it is. feeding them flakes for now is worth a shot since that was probably how it was at the shop.
I've had a fire eel in the past (which I still have) that wouldn't take anything I offered for a few months bar earthworms from the garden which it gulped down and which probably kept it alive, maybe look for some of them or see if a fishing tackle place has some
I've had a fire eel in the past (which I still have) that wouldn't take anything I offered for a few months bar earthworms from the garden which it gulped down and which probably kept it alive, maybe look for some of them or see if a fishing tackle place has some

I already tried earthworms. Thanks for the suggestion though. That is what I usually use to fatten up my new eels and they have always been accepted. This is the first group that refuses to eat.

you know how when you go catfish fishing theres that smelly stuff you put on the lure to attract the catfish? well maybe you could make something like that. idk how. i would start by trying to find something here that resembles there natural diet as closely as possible. maybe you could mince it up or something. fishbase says they eat crustacians, buy some ghost shrimp and dice a few up and feed them with a turkey baster right in front of their noses. maybe you could try a minced paste type thing made up of lots of different foods put together. chop up some earthworms and shrimp and lobster eggs... i could go on but you get the point. i read on here somewhere there was one guy that actually blended earthworms in a coffee blender. personally im so repulsed by that idea i couldnt do it, i had a hard enough time as it was simply chopping them up for my eel much less blending the poor things. idk, im just tossing out some ideas cause i know how painful it was when my eel died a while back so i dont want that to happen to your eels.
catfish pellets never fails to attract bottom dwellers but then again its not something i think eels would readily take. Starfishpower gave splendid suggestions which i think is worth a shot.
hi, i fed my eels diced blood worms, because spiny eels are not able to 'bite food off' they have to swollow it whole. try to isolate them in a floating trap or something and feed foods smaller than there mouths, this is what i had to do because they could not get food in my big tank.

spiney eels are notoriously fussy!
have you tried prawns? i have one that will only eat them and nothing else.
also meal worms, maggots (the white un-dyed ones) or white bait are worth a shot.
maggots (the white un-dyed ones) or white bait are worth a shot.

maggots, thats a good idea too. and as an add on to that i do believe i read somewhere on here that when feeding maggots it is best to get the very white ones since the darker ones seem to be darker due to some kind of shell like coating which is bad for at least some fishes digestion. just an fyi for you. :good: by the way, are they eating yet?
I just got them to eat a little bit of live blood worms dipped in some of that bottom dweller attraction scent stuff. Thank you Starfishpower! I will try the maggots dipped in that stuff next. I already tried everything else including prawns.

thats wonderful! im so glad you've gotten them to eat! hope it keeps up and that they live long, happy and healthy lives for your enjoyment :good: good luck with them.

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