Any Help Would Be Nice With These Frogs


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
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Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
Hello everyone, its been a while since I last posted here.
I recently picked up a 10 gallon terrarium and I'm looking into Poison Dart Frogs, specifically the Dendrobates auratus species.
The research I've done so far says that the maximum amount of Dart Frogs in a 10 gallon is four, one male and three females.
I've also read that the best food for them are fruit files, as those are about the only thing small enough for them to eat.
Also I've read that there's no poop to clean up (because the feces of the frogs are so small plants can break them down real easy, and they like to have a densely planted vivarium to hide in.
Anyone else got any information that could be helpful?

Do you know whether the frogs available to you are likely to be juveniles or fully adult? As the care and housing is going to be dependent upon this.

I'd personally recommend a 15g for 4 adult sized frogs, although they are much less aggressively territorial than some of their close relatives, the actual footprint of that tank isnt going to be much for what are really good sized dendrobates at adult size.

We feed our adults a mixture of giant drosophilla (fruit flies) cultured on both a commercial medium and a fortified fruit mixture, or less frequently bean weevils, ours are cultured with black eyed peas. All food items should be dusted with a high quality multivitamin powder such as Nutrobal.

If you will be getting juvenile frogs it may be best to house them in a smaller enclosure to begin with, it can be difficult to keep the humidity sufficient for young frogs in a larger vivarium and very difficult to provide an optimum amount of food. Too much food and they will be too intimidated to eat! Too little and they simply wont find it in the larger area.

A fully planted naturalistic setup is always much more fun to do, to look at and beneficial to your frogs. You can of course spend months just enjoying the setting up and growing the plants and moss in! ;)

Anymore Q's just ask :)
They will probably be froglets when ordered, and I've actually decided to step-up tank size to a 20 gallon.

I'm looking forward to setting up the tank, as I'm really going to make it extremely naturalistic.
Do you have any pictures of your setup?

Maybe you could P.M. me some good beginner information, okay?
Good choice on the tank size ;)

I'll have to get some pics tomorrow, oddly enough I always take pics of the animals but never the things they live in!

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