Any Guesses On What Plants Theses Are?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2009
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I am trying to figure out the names of these plants and can't figure it out. Out of the 4 plants i picked up, The only one I know is a water onion plant (which probably, wont survive). So here are the other 3 pictures, so any ideas would be greatly helpful Sorry for the bad shots

I know the 2nd plant is a house plant 'Pilea' 'aluminum plant' you grow them in well drained sandy soil
Well I guess that would make since why I couldn't find it on any websites! They should be safe for the tank as long as I remove them if they start to decay correct?
Well I guess that would make since why I couldn't find it on any websites! They should be safe for the tank as long as I remove them if they start to decay correct?
theyll start to decay within a few weeks of buying them which could give you an ammonia spike so i would take them out and pot them now.
Now I'm kind of mad at the fish store that i picked them up at. Would have been nice, if they would have mentioned that fact....
The first one looks like Hygrophila corymbosa (also called compact hygro). It is an aquatic plant and will do quite well in the proper conditions.

The second has already been addressed. Get that puppy outta there!

The third plant looks like Ludwigia palustris (also called narrow leaf ludwigia). I'm not a plant guy, per se, and the picture is kind of hard for me to make out, but that's my best guess.
Yeah, the first one definitely looks like Hygro to me...
Well I removed the aluminum plant, which was probably a GREAT idea, since there was a weight attached to the bottom of it, which i suspect is a lead weight... Thanks for all the help. Going to head to a different place tomorrow, and pick up maybe some java ferns, amazon swords and maybe something else to fill in the gaps!

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