Any fish for Sale?


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
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i have a 3ft tropical tank and i was wondering if anybody was selling any fish in sydney that will be suitable for this tank. in my tank i have 2 silver sharks, 2 angelfish, 2 bristlenose catfish and 2 other catfish which i dont no what they are called. all of my fish are medium sized. i really want to have a arawana but they r too agressive and they grow too big.


p.s. i want colourfull fish
Most people here probably don't know where sydney is :D . And im sorry i can't help you because i live is brisbane, but just go have a look at a few different fish stores.
If your looking for some colour full fish, try getting some Banded Gourami :)

You will soon need to move your bala sharks out of your tank. They can reach sizes of 35 cm's and need to be kept in a group of 3+

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