I've bred several Rasboras, Harlequins amongst them. What you have written is true, the female lays her eggs singly or in very small groups, on the undersides of leaves while the male does a contortionist act and wraps himself almost completely around her to fertilise the eggs. The process continues over quite a period, the adults ignore the eggs whilst spawning, and don't really go made looking for them to eat afterwards, although I always remove the breeders.
In excellent water conditions, well conditioned fish may try to spawn, but the eggs/fry don't stand a chance in a community tank.
It is certainly true that Rasboras are a demanding group to breed, much more so than most Barbs or Tetras. Water must be right, in terms of chemistry and quality. The fry will quickly sucumb if the breding tank water quality drops even slightly.
I've not bred them for about 20 years, then, I fed the fry on cultured infusoria and then brine shrimp. I expect the many specialist fry foods available nowdays would be okay, but I can't comment further.