Any Eel Keepers


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I have a big interest in eels and although I don;t keep any now I have kept many in past including fire , tyretrack, peacock etc
Show us your pics of the fish and descrive the set ups of these wonderful fish

Funny you say this, bought a small Peacock last week. Didn't want to put it in with my massive 10-12" Ornate as it would have eaten it, so put it in with my much smaller Senegals. It was about an inch smaller but very weak as I just couldnt get the thing eating. Woke up the other day and could see the Eel in a very fat Senegal not much longer than the eel was> I was a bit concerned at that, but it seemed to ber acting natuarally. Woke up the day after and the Bichir had died. I was gutted.

Got my Fire Eel in the other tank though, he is heading for the big tank in the future, currently around 8-9" and loves blood worms. Can't seem to get him eating anything else. He sits in the nooks n a massive piece of wood and pops out for food.
they can be a pain to eat, in my experience its hard to change them if they initially don;t feed

I can;t wait till I;ve got many tanks again so I can start buying oddballs again
Me neither, you seem to have a good supply of them. What you got in the 5ft at the minute mate?
Me neither, you seem to have a good supply of them. What you got in the 5ft at the minute mate?

it looks well you should take a look at my discus journal in new world cichlids journals
Its a discus set up, with tetras, royal whiptails and corys. I;m actually happy with it now and the plants
This is a picture of my tyre track eel in his arizona rock.


His name is Eric.

Recently changed the whole tank around to how it is below and he seems as happy as ever!

Out of all the fish in my 2 tanks he is definitely my favourite. So much character in him and also able to hand feed him and stroke him which is quite fun!
I have a spiny peacock eel, Love him. They're awesome I'd like to take a pic of him for you guys soon but it's hard to catch him when he's not hiding.
keep trying Jack would love to see a pic!!

Magical Zorse, tyre tracks are ace arenlt they and in my opinion look better the bigger theyget

are youable to house him when he gets to 24 inch plus?


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