Hello. I was wondering if there were any types of crawfish (crayfish, something along those lines) that would be ok in a ten-gallon aquarium. It has a filter, a heater, and a decent size air stone. S/he would be the only thing in the tank.
Reading around, I have figured out that my fish have been dying from tuberculosis. They seem fine, but when they died, they would be bent. I didn't think anything of it for whatever reason. The last fish died last night, so it is now empty. Do I need to cleanse the tank before putting a crawfish in there? (If there is a species that is ok in a ten-gallon, that is.) The fish formerly in the tank were all tropical fish like gourami, danio, tetra, mollies, guppys, and bettas (females). (Not all at the same time, of course!)
Reading around, I have figured out that my fish have been dying from tuberculosis. They seem fine, but when they died, they would be bent. I didn't think anything of it for whatever reason. The last fish died last night, so it is now empty. Do I need to cleanse the tank before putting a crawfish in there? (If there is a species that is ok in a ten-gallon, that is.) The fish formerly in the tank were all tropical fish like gourami, danio, tetra, mollies, guppys, and bettas (females). (Not all at the same time, of course!)