Any Crawfish In A Ten-gallon?

Jun 26, 2006
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Hello. I was wondering if there were any types of crawfish (crayfish, something along those lines) that would be ok in a ten-gallon aquarium. It has a filter, a heater, and a decent size air stone. S/he would be the only thing in the tank.

Reading around, I have figured out that my fish have been dying from tuberculosis. They seem fine, but when they died, they would be bent. I didn't think anything of it for whatever reason. :/ The last fish died last night, so it is now empty. Do I need to cleanse the tank before putting a crawfish in there? (If there is a species that is ok in a ten-gallon, that is.) The fish formerly in the tank were all tropical fish like gourami, danio, tetra, mollies, guppys, and bettas (females). (Not all at the same time, of course!)
im not sure about what kind of crayfish, but yes u need to throughly clean out the tank. what i would do is add a med to kill it anyway just in case. good luck!
Personally I think 10 gallons is too small for most crays, you could have some nice shrimp in there or maybe some african dwarf frogs, if you are interested in either of these I'm sure you'll get a lot of info from people here about shrimps and adfs.

you shopuld clean it out before getting anything else, but be careful with medications as they often contain things that can kill inverts.
Cajun dwarf crawfish would be fine in a 10 gallon, they don't get much bigger than 2". I think smaller crayfish will do fine there too.
Thanks all! I will look into the dwarf crayfish, or perhaps some shrimp. There is some sort of crayfish in the petstore here, but they are only labeled as "freshwater crayfish." I asked the lady there if one would be ok in a ten-gallon, and she said of course they would be fine, but when I asked her if I could keep three bala sharks with them in the ten-gallon, she said that would be ok, too. :/ (I know balas would not be ok in a ten-gallon- I was just seeing if she really knew her stuff, which obviously she didn't. :X )

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