Any Cories For A 7g?


New Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Just wondering, the 7g will also contain guppy fry (big enough not to get eaten) which will eventually contain 3-4 guppys once fry have been put in over tank, dont mind if they eat fry, keeps the population down. I was kinda thinkin of panda cories?

there are 3 dwarf corys that you might like to look into (there is a 4th, nanus, but this is no longer available in the hobby.) The 3 are C. Habrosus, Hastatus, and Pygmaeus.
Personally, I don't think it would be good idea to keep Corys and Guppys together. If I am not wrong, I believe Guppys do better with harder water.(If I remember correctly, doesn't people keep with little salt?) Anyway, I thought they do better with alkaline side of water. And I know most of Corys if not all prefer acid side of water.
I guess you can take the middle ground of netural water, but this means you compromise for both fish. Rather than that, probably better if you keep fish with similar preference.
Anyway, that is my 2cents. And I hope you'll consider the water prameter before put the fish together in the tank as well as the compatiablity.
Most Cories are fine with most water parameters, 6 Pygmaeus/habrosus/hastatus would be fine with guppy fry. As long as your ph is not extreme acidic or alkaline, i'd give that plan the thumbs up.
Thanks for the suggestions! the trouble is getting hold of them all my lfs sell is panda and peppered cories, will these nt be ok in a 7g? Thanks again.
I wouldn't put any corys other than the dwarf species in a tank less than 10G. I don't see any problem with mixing guppies and corys though.
ditch the Guppys and get some proper fish with the Cory's, problems solved ;)
ditch the Guppys and get some proper fish with the Cory's, problems solved ;)

id rather not ditch the guppy's thanks.

Thanks for the help everyone, looks like il be having to go to a not so local lfs to find these.
there are 3 dwarf corys that you might like to look into (there is a 4th, nanus, but this is no longer available in the hobby.) The 3 are C. Habrosus, Hastatus, and Pygmaeus.
why are nanus no longer avaible?
answering the question, i would go with dwarf cories, i have 3 pygmaeus corysm the fish shop took a while to get some, but it was worth the wait
Ok thanks, pygmy corry's it is. How many would you suggest? 2-3?
i would say 3 or 4, let your mind(and your wallet) help you deside.guppies wont bother them, plus they will snack on dead ones.

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