Any Coldwaterfish For A 70L Tank


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
im currently bidding on a tnk on Ebay, and its just over 70L. Are there any coldwater fish i could put in there. Not WCMM, i mean like goldfish, blackmoores, fancy goldfish etc?
I really wouldn't think so - - 70 liters is just about 18 US gallons...
as a basic set up you need a tank with 20 gallons of WATER - thats after you put in the substrate - for a healthy and happy fish....

why not just buy a small heater to up the degrees a few and have a small tropical tank?
Thought as much, the reason why im not wanting another tropical tank is because i have 5 already lol
Just been researching, and it says 'fancy goldfish' need 10G each. :unsure:

Anyone keep these type of fish? what tank size?
Just been researching, and it says 'fancy goldfish' need 10G each. :unsure:

Anyone keep these type of fish? what tank size?
like jenste said 20G is min. What about having a reall strong filter and getting hillstream loaches, some snails and you could have another go at cherry shrimp. All of them will do fine at room temp.
What are the dimensions? If not too deep you could have a colony of african dwarf frogs OR two african clawed frogs. Both species can live in mid 60 degrees F

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