Any Bright Ideas?


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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im hopeful that someone can figure out what my tank is doing before i throw it out the window!

i started cycling with ammonia two weeks ago - added enough to bring the ammonia to 6ppm (well actually a little darker that 6 on the api liquid test).

that was two weeks ago yesterday - i have just tested the water again and ammonia is now at 4ppm and nitrites 0, surely it shouldnt be taking this long? it is an 80 litre tank, i was expecting the ammonia to get to zero by now, i was hoping it would take 7-10 days to get to zero, and i should surely be expecting to see at least a tiny bit of nitrites no??

ph is 7.6 and i have the temp turned up to 29C/85F

any pointers greatly appreciated i am starting to get a little frustrated! :dunno:

Hang in there, as you know it could take 8+ weeks for it to cycle fully. Did you start out with any media from another tank?
no mature media in there unfortunately- just dechlorinator and ammonia!

are any of those filter treatments any use to me or will the ammonia already in there make them useless?
hmmm, if it has dropped to 4ppm there should be a slight amount of nitrites. You haven't got anything in there that removes nitrites have you?
thats puzzling me too! there is nothing else added to the water just ammonia and dechlorinator, there are two rocks and three fake plants and the gravel so i have no clue what is going on!

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