any better source to determine the adult sizes of various Hillstreams???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I know I'm out on the fringes here... but in buying many varieties of Hillstreams, I have a very large variance of sizes... so far, similar, & dis-similar are all getting along, but I have some that go 5 inches long, & others are only 3/4 of an inch at purchase... I'm really curious if all of these, if thriving, will reach at least similar sizes, or if the smaller ones, are a smaller variety, & may be as big as they get??? many of them are just listed like this... "Gastromyzon sp."... so they haven't been properly or fully identified, by the wholesaler, or on line seller... thoughts of a source for possible better identification, & species information???
With newly found species, all bets are off. If someone has acquired them as you have, but well before you, hopefully they've reported on how big they get. But fish never stop growing, though they slow down, and some species take years to get to their full size. A lot of the hillstreams entering the hobby haven't been kept for years yet.

We're all waiting for you to tell us how they do in a few years...
maybe just have to go around & glean information... this link has about 44 different loaches, only a handful of Hillstreams, and several listings as just "sp."

this is interesting, a larger loach, definitely on my want list...

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@Essjay ... thanks the "loaches on line" was the site I was thinking I had seen before, & couldn't find...

I do have a few of these... yet listed as unknown...
& mine are only a few cm long, but they do list the size up to 5 cm... so that is some of the info ( I can't take it as gospel ) but helps a lot...
these are expensive, but I haven't found them listed anywhere for identification...

I don't think these are the same fish...


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