Any Asp Codeing Peeps


Livebearer Specilest
Nov 12, 2006
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Sub DisplaySearchForm()

Response.Write " <table border=5 align=center width=""100%""><center><form method=""get"" action=""ebay.asp"">" & vbNewLine & _
" <b>Search for:</b>&nbsp;" & vbNewLine & _
" <input type=""text"" name=""search"" size=""20"" value=""" & Request.Querystring("search") & """>" & vbNewLine & _
" <input type=""submit"" value=""E-bay Search""><br>" & vbNewLine & _
" <a href="""" target=""_blank"">"& vbNewLine & _
" <img src="""" width=""120"" height=""30"" alt=""Click here to buy & sell on eBay!"" border=""0""/></a></center></table>" & vbNewLine & _
"</form>" & vbNewLine
End Sub

Sub Footer()

Response.Write "<script type=""text/javascript"">" & vbNewLine & _
"var emailriddlerarray=[104,101,108,116,101,114,115,107,101,108,116,101,114,64,108,105,118,105,110,103,102,105,115,104,46,99,111,46,117,107]" & vbNewLine & _
"var encryptedemail_id60=''" & vbNewLine & _
" for (var i=0; i<emailriddlerarray.length; i++)" & vbNewLine & _
" encryptedemail_id60+=String.fromCharCode(emailriddlerarray)" & vbNewLine & _
" document.write('<a href=""mailto:'+encryptedemail_id60+'?subject=From livingfish""><h2>contact me<h2></a>')" & vbNewLine & _
"</script>" & vbNewLine & _
"<h2> &copy; 2002-2007</h2>" & vbNewLine
End Sub

I'm redoing my wesite ATM and been playing today,
However the code i've posted above is kicking an error on the last line "Expected 'End'"
How ever it was working all day and just stoped.....

Dose anyone have any idea's?
:S :S :S :S :S Opp's figgered it out

It's nothing to do with the sub's after all!!!!!
glad you posted that, i've been looking at the 2 subs for the last 10 minutes looking for a problem i couldn't see :)
I was sure the subs was fine as they been working all day

But i forgot to close a "if" with an "end if" on the main page..........

Feeling stupid, but where u had 10 mins I'ms been looking for over an hour
no problem least you found the error, i like to say you wont make the same mistake again, however i still make simple mistakes like that all the time, so maybe you will :)
well I'm crap at ASP but luring and want to do some intresting stuff for my self more than anything
lol I do a little php but I think thats nasty, too. I spend most of my time doing ruby at work. Once you've tried ruby, things like ASP and PHP just look nasty (well, it does to me at least)!
Must admit never heard of ruby, but new things are popping up all the time, just gotta use use what you feel settled with.

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