Any Advice Would Be Good...i'm New


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
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:D Hi Everyone,

I'm quite new to this fishy Grandad had a tropical tank when I was little and I always wanted one! About 9 months ago I gently perswaded my parter a fish tank would look georgeous in our living room (and begged..alot) So we got a nice one from our local fish shop. Its about 67cm cubed. We started it with the mind set that yeah fish keeping is expensive but we are only gonna have guppies and other tiny fish. OMG didn't realise they took quite so much money and time (new carbon, plants, cleaning equiptmet, etc). Not enough money to be buying testing kits, not unless my fish are really bad.

Anyway, I really want to know what I can put in my tank. I am a complete beginner and although I know some fish shouldn't go with other fish because they might fight I really want a good selection. (trial and error, I know that sounds cruel so only so far.) so far I have quite a few in there.

2 Goldfish 3-4 inches(Christmas pressie off my could I say no)
5 Sunset Platys
5 Moonlight Platys
8 Female Guppies
2 Male Guppies
4 Zebra Danios
3 Neons
1 Glowlight
2 Amino??? Shrimps (or maybe 4 coz I put 2 new ones in but havn't seen them since)
2 Honey Gourmeries 2-3 inches
2 Gourmeries 3-4 inches (grey ones with 2 spots on)
1 Plec, currently 5-6 inches (hes cute)

Any advice for new fish would be gratley appriciated, I am looking into getting some big snails apparently they help keep the algea down on the glass.

What size is te tank? Also, the goldfish is coldwater, and the rest there are tropical, so rehome it or get it a 20 gallon tank with some good filtration.

The neons and glowlight should be in a school of atleast 6 each, so depending on your tank size, take those back to the fish store/get more.

Im only asuming your pleco is a common one, and those get rather huge so again, tank size could become an issue here.

I dont know much about gouramis though, sorry

Its great that your comming on here to learn though, and dont feel bad weve all made mistakes in the beginning!

Edit: nvm your tank is about 70 US gallons So deffinately up the schools of the tetras (depending on the gouramis...), please try to get a test kit for atleast ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte

I know my plec is going to out grow my tank, i'm hoping to get another tank before then. Have to say I have read about keeping goldfish with tropical and its supposed to be not a great idea but everything seems happy (big fishy smiles lol).

What are Corys? I originally had a few more neons and glowlights but they died in my old tiny tank. i really fancy a couple more bigger fish (4 inches +)

Thanks for your replies

Hannah X
Corys or Corydoras are tiny catfish. Pretty cute ones too, they gay maybe a 2 inches or so long. They are very peaceful and interesting to watch.


Or maybe some, Glass Catfish
Yes, I agree, either cories or Clown Loaches, I think your tank is big enough. Both like to be in groups of at least 3. The tetras groups should be raised to AT LEAST 6, preferably more because you have some larger fish and they may feel skittish.

They goldfish need to be rehomed, as already said. Common goldfish can grow up to a foot long and are coldwater. If you want to keep them for two you would need at least a 30g tank, and that's pushing it as the general rule is 20g each. Goldfish are very messy and need good filtration as well.

Good luck,
Thanks for your replies.

The Corys seem really cute I will definatly be asking for some at Christmas. :)

Do snails really clean the tank or is that just a myth? I have green on my glass that is really hard to scrub off and with my tank being so deep and on a stand I am almost in it myself when trying to clean it!

Hannah X
Snails do help keep the tank clean but they wont do much for the green on the glass. Your best bet is to post a question about it in the planted section, they know all about Algae and how to get rid of it.
For that tank your best bet for cleaning the glass are a group of Otocinclus or a couple of Bristlenose Plecs. Both of these are great algae cleaners and stay relatively small.
some snails will clean your glass, such as apple snails.... but they're also very messy and can add quite a lot of bio load to the tank.

however the best way to get rid of algae, what you probably have is green spot algae, get a scrubbing pad like you do your washing up with and it'll come off. you do need to put a bit of elbow grease in but really it's the only effective way of getting rid of it. you'll find if you give it a really good scrub down once, then do it every 2 weeks after that it never develops to the point that it's hard work to get it off.


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