Any Additions To My Tank Or Is My Tank Full


New Member
Dec 3, 2011
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I have about at 650l tank - 525l useable space
I have 2 common clowns
1 yellow tang
1 sail fin tang
1 yellow tail damselfish
1 black cap besslet
1 Pygmy Yellowtail Angelfish
1 Rock Beauty Angelfish
1 Night watchmen goby
1 Yellow eye kole tang
1 Spotted Mandarin
Cleaner Common Wrasse
Kaudern's Cardinal - Tank-Bred
Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Firefish, Purple
Zebra Barred Dartfish
3 pepermint shrimp
1 boxer shrimp
1 other shimp (can't remember the name)
Is that maxed out or could i pop a few smaller fish in tank?
Didn't releases how many fish i had till i wrote it down....
Well you have a lot of different fish. Angelfish are best alone or when put in simultaneously. So no more of them. Yellow Tangs are one of the most aggressive tangs, especially since most Tangs are aggressive to new addition of Tangs. So no Tangs. Dartfish are also territorial, you have the firefish and zebra. I would say one more wouldn't hurt, just put it away from the other two's territory. No more clownfish for the same reason as tangs and angels. Bassletts are ok, maybe 1 or 2 more of those. Wrasse wise, one more wouldn't hurt because they are territorial but can be ok in a 171 so only one more wrasse. Chromis you can add more :) as well as the Kaudern's Cardinal, but they do get aggressive towards each other so watch out. Or if you want a new fish try a school of anthias (1 male with several females) those make fun additions to the tank. Or a foxface could work too. As well as rabbitfish. Is this a reef tank? Only get a few of these not all. Your tank does have a lot, but i you truly wanted, it could squeeze in a few more

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