Anti Fungus For Breeding


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi, im going to start breeding my corydoras but i want to make sure i have everything in place first.

i want to get some anti fungus stuff to put into the tank for the eggs so they dont 'spoil'. just in case. i dont want to have to charge to the nearest shop and get any old stuff!

what stuff have you used and works?

also, where do i get these 'spawning mops'. everyone refers to them and im not sure what they are etc...


i have a 18x12x12 tank, and instead of a sponge filter on internal, im going to use a HOB filter which will have good flow and oxygenate as the same time!!!
hi I just use Kings British finrot and fungus treatment, only one dose, and as for spawning mops, if you type it into google, it comes up with instructions on how to make them, but seriously, i just have lots of plants, they lay them on the glass and the plants. leafy ones with lots of branching......elodea, anubias sp, java fern, onions thats it and they spawn all day! and more, every 4 days or so

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