Anti Betta Fighting

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If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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found a pic of a looser betta :-(

:no: anti betta-fighting
anybody intentionally fighting a long-finned betta like that one is doing it wrong. that's not a fighter-quality plakat by any measure.
what a dumbsh*t. :S that's right, have a veiltail duke it out with a DT plakat. brilliant plan.

(however, i'd like to note for all of you who are going to want to write this person nasty letters, THESE PICTURES ARE 3 YEARS OLD. there is no point in being nasty to someone who did a stupid thing three years ago.)
Actually, on another page it says one of the Bettas jumped the divider in their 5 gallon Minibow, which is why they got all beat up. >_< he looks horrible, though. Another reason I do not have a divided tank!
That is NOT real betta fighting!
Betta fighting is with specially trained plakat bettas who probably never get ripped up that bad due to the shortness of their fins.
Anyone who fights with a long finned betta is a total idiot.

I hate pictures like these because they give people the wrong impressions on Betta fighting.
I hate posts like this...non-thought out, ill-researched attempts at getting a mob together to go off on a witch hunt.

If you search this forum you will find numerous of the same type pictures...from people whose bettas jumped the divider and got beat up...are you going to start posting those as well..and make it seem like the person did it on purpose?
If you'd bother to go to the main page of that site, you might notice that the very first thing you see is a banner to The Animal Rescue Site. Really sounds like someone who's going to fight bettas to me :rolleyes:
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