Answers On A Postcard Please....


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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Who has a real life tried and tested method for catching a big plec?

I will be relocating mine to a bigger tank soon and I am thinking bucket, shooing, got it - however, I am prepared to get wet and know that this isn't going to be anywhere near as easy as it looks on paper.

Have you had to catch a big one (10 inches + etc) and how did you do it with minimal stress and strain and flooding for everyone involved, particularly the plecs.
I used to work at an LFS and we've had the monsters in the indoor pond to catch for people. The best way we've found is to use a large net and persuade them to either go into the container or use another net to nab them and then drop them in the container. Netting them of course is a last resort as they can easily get ensnared in the net so best bet is to chase them into the container. Another set of hands is always helpful too.
Who has a real life tried and tested method for catching a big plec?

I will be relocating mine to a bigger tank soon and I am thinking bucket, shooing, got it - however, I am prepared to get wet and know that this isn't going to be anywhere near as easy as it looks on paper.

Have you had to catch a big one (10 inches + etc) and how did you do it with minimal stress and strain and flooding for everyone involved, particularly the plecs.

tupperware is your friend :)

NEVER get too close with a net as you will end up with a plec stuck fast and tangled.... i use an arm to 'persuade' the plec into the tupperware... then th eother hand to lift it out.

be ready to get wet :)

if your feeling confident you can just pick it up... but warch the fins as they are boney and can stab (i got stabbed in the hand by ours)

Planet catfish has piccys of them being held correctly.... link this one

Bottom left image...
Planet catfish has piccys of them being held correctly.... link this one

Bottom left image...

omg I'd be terrified to hold Nessie and Malcolm like that incase I drop them or squish them, but that is a very cool picture, lots of stickers poking out of that little guy.

If I do, at any stage, feel brave enough to hold one, I'll definately post pics, they are amazingly beautiful creatures :)
Without chasing it around the tank move your hand over the fish and pick him up infront of the dorsal fin holding on tight. Try syphoning some of the water out of the tank first to make live easier.
Hi, I totally sympathise! We just moved my 11" Pleco to a larger tank. I made a few attempts but I was worried about stressing the fish out. When my husband got home he got an old (clean) large saucepan and persuaded him into that. We both got splashed. I also had emptied about half of the water out to reduce splashing. On the plus side he/she is happy in his new home. As are the Mollies , I now have about 12 fry. :) I think the best way would be to pick the fish up but I just couldn't do it. Catching it in the saucepan was quick.
Wha about moving smaller ones as i am giving a few away at the weekend
I understand your problem very much Suzy,many years ago i tried to catch one in a net and it got stuck as hell,i ended up cutting the net to shreds to get the blighter out and on top of that i had a few holes in my hand. :eek:
Just do what I did with mine, yesterday I had to catch my 5" pleco and move him to my 55g so I used my hands to persuade him to the front onto the front glass then I used both of my hands to pick him up and I didn't get stuck at all because I picked him up with my hands under his stomach and I put my thumb on his back just in case he started flipping around then I put him in back allimated him and put him in the tank. ;) Good luck :thumbs:
....then I put him in back allimated him and put him in the tank

Oh dear, I'm sorry but I don't know what this line means, a little help here for a dummy please?
You know how when you put a fish in a new tank you got to float the bag for about 20 minutes then add water from the tank to the bag where the fish is then you add the fish to the tank? Well thats what I meant I just can't spell. :lol:
Don't laugh!
I use a dustpan to catch plecs - a translucent plastic one that I keep just for fish. You can hold the fish against the glass while you scoop it or pick it up ( depending on size)
The pan does double duty if I have to remove substrate.

lol Durbkat, sorry to point it out then, we're still relatively new to this trops lark and I am always eager to learn new things :) I'd hate to miss something :lol:

Someone else said cut the bottom off a milk container, then you can hold the handle and scoop the plec out in your homemade funnel, then if you need to examine it, say if you suspect it is injured, you can then take the lid off and drain the water and keep the plec in the container - sounds reasonable, but I think mine would make a break for the hole and be away. Slipery suckers.
Durbkat pretty much has the best technique in my opinion. If you put your thumb in front of the dorsal and your fingers on the belly and squeeze gently the plec will lock all its fins and body and allow you to transport it without any thrashing.

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