Another Which Oddball Thread!

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2009
Reaction score
Suffolk U.K
Hello I know this has been posted before by many people! I have always been interested in the stranger fish, was wondering what would go nicely in my tank:

Tank is 92 US Gallon (trigon 350) and it has quite a few plants and hiding places
The fish I have are:

1 x Angel Fish
2 x Talking Humbug Doradids - Platydoras armatulus
1 x Peacock Spiny eel - Macrognathus siamensis
3 x Blue Rainbows - Melanotaenia lacustris
3 x Red Rainbows - Glossolepis Incisus
3 x Bristlenose Plecs - Ancistrus sp.
6 x Golden panchax - Aplocheilus lineatus
3 x Dwarf Gourami

I like Rope fish, Birchirs, BGK or any other strange fish?

Your opinions would be very grateful. Thanks
I think the kuhli loaches would be lost all the time in my tank, and the fire eel would get way too big, they are very cool though! I have a peacock spiny eel, will probably get him a friend as well!
I have to be honest, never been to keen on butterfly fish and i definately don't want to risk the panchax! I have seen both rope fish and birchirs at LFS and quite like the look of them!

IndigoJ - do you think I have enough fish or are them choices not good for the selection i currently have?
The panchax will dominate the butterfly fish during feeding. Gold Panchax are the greediest gutsiest top feeders i've seen.

The plecs also rule out most of the odder oddballs, as they tend to be slow bottom feeders.

knife fish of some type maybe? Not sure what species you get around there, we have a few different small varieties available here.
Without the dwarf gouramis, and possibly BN's, it would open up more possibility's
I should think a Senegal or two would be fine in there, keep it well fed though :lol:
Looked into any earth eaters (geophagus)?

Ahh just looked up Aplocheilus lineatus and it seems they are quite small too..

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