Another Tank Upgrade: 20h


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I upgraded from my 10 US Gallon Leader, to a 20 US Gallon High. At first, I thought that I'd be relocating my girl Uta to a small tank or bowl and fiill up on other fish, but now that she's in there, I gotta say -- she's really happy in there. In the 10 gallon, she paced a corner over and over, like a 'bored' betta, now she's all over investigating.

She's in there with 3 albino cories. I'm keeping a close eye on her, as she was starting to get aggressive in the 10 gallon. She's mean. :crazy: Chased my oto around, chased the shrimps around. The only ones she was kind to were my African Dwarf Frogs, who are now in a different tank. She's chased the cories one time, but has since decided they're not that interesting. Here's hoping she doesn't change her mind later, eh?

I may add other fish in the future, but probably for the remainder of the month, she's practically got the 20 to herself. :D

She really likes to swim. She's sooo active. I hope she doesn't force me to plunk her in a bowl.

Pointless post. :/ But, I don't know anyone else who'd be jazzed about 4 fish in a 20 gallon tank. :lol:

*edit: I think she's a pretty aggressive girl. She builds bubble nests, and after I put her into the tank, she gill flared at me. I was surprised, she'd never done that before. I know she's a girl, she's got 'the white spot', and she often swells with eggs.
Thats a bit wierd she builds bubble nests and flares at you maybe you should try breed her maybe she is signaling she wants to be bred so why not try breed her see if that helps :p

1) Aside from her being pushy, she's fine.
2) She's just a marble VT, not the best breeding stock to start with.
3) I really can't handle the responsibility of breeding and raising fry, let alone afford it. I find it unlikely that I'd enjoy it at all, it's not my kinda thing.

1) Aside from her being pushy, she's fine.
2) She's just a marble VT, not the best breeding stock to start with.
3) I really can't handle the responsibility of breeding and raising fry, let alone afford it. I find it unlikely that I'd enjoy it at all, it's not my kinda thing.

Now that's the correct attitude. I salute you ;)
Eh heh, thank you. :D I was wondering how those comments would go over.
Good going, soritan. I think your tank sounds nifty.

I'm with you on the breeding. I managed to raise one cory out of a clutch of eight only because the aneaus practically handed the eggs to me. It was alot of work. I can't imagine the responsibility of Betta breeding. But I might raise a few one day.
Thank you. :) I imagine for the next month or so, I'll be hunting for more plants to fill it up. My 10 was heavily planted, I'd say it provided about 70% cover. After I moved up to the 20, I pruned it all back pretty heavily and bleach dipped some of the more algae-infested bits. So my 20 looks quite vacant, to me. I think Uta is digging all the darting room. :lol:

Still racking my brain for tankmate ideas. I don't want to add too much. If she's fine with the cories for a month, maybe I'll just buy myself more cories. I'm sure they'd be pleased as punch to have friends. With Uta becoming more aggressive, I'm hesitant to add the more colorful harlequin rasboras.

I'm really impressed with how colorful she is, as compared to when I purchased her. I thought she was pure white when I got her, now she's red white and blue (how patriotic), and has a nice shimmer to her body. She gets fed a diet of frozen blood worms and hikari pellets, and now I'll be adding frozen mysis and frozen vitamin enriched adult brine shrimp to the menu. My male will be getting it, too. I bought the frozen goods mostly to feed my ADFs, but half a cube is enough to feed everyone, so I do. :)

My first thought was to encourage you to get more cories. I agree, the cories would be delighted to have a bigger company--with or without an agressive Betta gal. My Synirr boys are in every tank but the front's. They get along with everyone even the apistos and the tetras.

She's a little full of herself right now. She may settle down a bit.
It's not hard to tell a female VT. In addition, soritan stated that she has a white spot=an ovipositor.

I'm a little cranky this morning :/

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