Another Sump Design Check


Apr 20, 2008
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First compartment bioballs or rocks, second compartment sponge and in the 2 baffles to the 3rd compartment a fine sponge/wool filter for polishing, the 3rd compartment just pumps it back up. Tank dimensions are 800x300x450 (LxWxH in mm.

So the water enters mainly through the 30mm hole in the bottom (unsure whether to pump it or whether gravity will be sufficient) and the 50mm hole in the top is an overflow system from the pond. The overflow will allow the sump to flood prior to flooding the pond (potentially losing fish stock) or if I overfill it will compensate for the error until corrected either through natural evaporation or through manual drainage. The over flow is also preferable as when the sump floods it goes on to a tile floor and down the drain so no worries their. The 50mm overflow pipe will be pre filtered through some fine mesh to stop floating debris being dumped in the sump and aquatic life getting stuck

I am not sure whether it is preferable for the first baffles to have an under, over, under con-fig or an over, under, over as in the current design. The current design allows the overflow to bypass the first step of the filtration system should it be overfilled whilst the alternative would cause the main flow through the 30mm pipe to only move through 20cm of rocks/bioballs before getting to the baffle that leads to the next compartment. Perhaps by extending the 50mm overflow to the bottom it will prevent the short cutting.

The outlets from the pond:

The 30mm pipe in the bottom is already present so I can either use it or block it, I will be adding the 50mm overflow pipe. The 30mm goes from a T junction with a ball valve for easy drainage to 2x45 degrees angles to prevent too much restriction in this flow.

My other thread is here
Sorry no ideas on sumps?!? I'm sure someone will help soon 

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