Another Stocking Question


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I have a 10 gallon planted tank with 2 dwarf honey gouramis, 2 harlequin rasboras and 4 Hengeli rasbora.

I have a 30 gallon that I would like to transfer everything to, and then to put a few new fishies in over several weeks (I won't rush it).

The 10 gallon is pretty, but the fish are often invisible. I would like a little more excitement in the new tank.
I was thinking of panda or other cories, perhaps 6 of those - I adore cories, they are so busy and cute. After that I have no ideas - anyone have any suggestions for me please?
Neon tetra usually look beautiful in a planted tank, the blue stripe and the green is sweet - especially when theres loads of em'.
Oh I do like the idea of neons, I love the rasboras but would like more variety - hmmm though, I used to have a planted tank of endlers and I never saw those little guys either, thats why I was thinking larger fish this time around, so maybe more rasboras would be better. Grrrr arrrgh. My brain hurts.

Could I put a few more dwarf gouramis in or would that be asking for trouble? Along with some cories?
hello dogfish,

i think it'd be best to fill out your rasbora schools a bit more. about four more harlequin's and two more hengeli's will do. after that, you could probably squeeze in a small school of up to eight (at least four) of the smaller species of corys, like the pygmy cory. by then you'll be stocked to the limit. :)

good luck.
Juicebox thank you, that sounds very reasonable, the rasboras will be happy with a larger group and I will get my zippy cories.

hello dogfish,

i think it'd be best to fill out your rasbora schools a bit more. about four more harlequin's and two more hengeli's will do. after that, you could probably squeeze in a small school of up to eight (at least four) of the smaller species of corys, like the pygmy cory. by then you'll be stocked to the limit. :)

good luck.
Are you set on panda cories? or smalles species?

If not, ou could get a few different kinds of the ''bigger'' species.. like the albinos/bronze/pepper.. I always liked getting 2-3 of each kind and have them all school together.

I don't think I would add more gouramis.. they can be aggressive, and adding another might disrupt the 2.
No I am not set on the pandas, had them once before and they were darn cute. I will have a look at the others, a pair of a few different types is appealing as well. More variety! Thanks!
yes... the harlaquins and corries will look awesome! I have been wanting to add both to my 29 for ages but my 29 is stocked so I have to wait! BUT I can say that those fish will look AWESOME in a planted or even semi planted tank!

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