Hi all,
at the moment I got only one tiny 1-inch long blue damsel fish. Together with 2 cleaner shrimps and a snail it's a simple, clean, and easy to maintain system.
Only with two powerheads, I always got no detectable amounts on ammonia, nitrite, AND nitrate, so the water changes are mainly to add fresh trace elements with a new salt mix.
More info on the tank is in the signature. I just want to add that with a very thin sandbed (1/4 inch) I am somewhat restricted regarding the selection of Gobys.
I'm in doubt if to add another small solitary clownfish.
As I have an open top tank, will the two fish fight and jump?
Most Web sites say that damselfish and clownfish are compatible, but some say they are not.
Will the clownfish leave the tubeworm in peace? (There was an unconfirmed report from the greater Tomato clownfish on an LFS Web site.)
at the moment I got only one tiny 1-inch long blue damsel fish. Together with 2 cleaner shrimps and a snail it's a simple, clean, and easy to maintain system.
Only with two powerheads, I always got no detectable amounts on ammonia, nitrite, AND nitrate, so the water changes are mainly to add fresh trace elements with a new salt mix.
More info on the tank is in the signature. I just want to add that with a very thin sandbed (1/4 inch) I am somewhat restricted regarding the selection of Gobys.
I'm in doubt if to add another small solitary clownfish.
As I have an open top tank, will the two fish fight and jump?
Most Web sites say that damselfish and clownfish are compatible, but some say they are not.
Will the clownfish leave the tubeworm in peace? (There was an unconfirmed report from the greater Tomato clownfish on an LFS Web site.)