Another Stocking Advice Thread!


Fish Addict
Aug 31, 2010
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Hi all, as some of you may know i have a 25 gallon tank, i really fancy a change of stock, and i want something different.
In the tank at the moment:
Breeding pair of firemouth cichlids (I know the tank is small for them, but they seem happy enough.)
Breeding pair of Bristle Nose Plecs
6 Cardinal tetra
6 Black Widow tetra
2 unknown catfish. Link to thread

My PH is at 6.5, I have a Fluval 205 filtration system.

So i am trying to think of something new, to put in this tank. Only fish i really want to keep are the bristle nose, but i'm not to bothered.

I was wondering are there any rarer fish i could breed in here?

Is there anything like a Malawi setup that i could have? (i have looked up Malawi and i know they are not at all suitable.)



PS: sorry for yet another stocking thread.
You could get some dwarf cichlids. Many of the species are attractive and they have some interesting behavior once they have settled in. Another option would be another school of tetras, say lemon tetras and a group of cherry barbs for some bright red color.
I have keep dwarf cichlids, but i really fancy something different, something that is rarely saw in shops?

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