Another Stocking Advice Thread!


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
Ashford, Kent, UK
Hi guys and girls. I had my 60 litre nano set up not so long ago but already have decided to upgrade! Ive well and truly got the salty bug! :lol:

My upgrade will be a nearly 2ft cube (55cmx55x55), approx 160 litres. Ive already got a pair of common clowns and a cleaner shrimp. Now im thinking about what else I could add, any suggestions? Im thinking a dward angel, maybe a half black dwarf angel, what do you think?

Ive also just picked up an eco-lamp kr-91 for the tank, well happy with it!

Cheers, james
dwarf angel would be nice, but i would reccomend a coral beauty over a half black. having owned both, the coral beauty is a complete model citizen and the half black was a coral muncher!
I would nip over to the wrasse thread - fish of the week. and pick myself a lovely wrasse :good:

Seffie x
coral beautys are spot on and I will be getting one as soon as I see a suitable one locally
Thanks guys, Im thinking either a coral beauty or a flame but read that the latter can get aggressive. In terms of wrasse maybe a cleaner, any problems with this?

So stocking would be:

2 Common Clowns
2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Flame/Coral Beauty
1 Cleaner wrasse

Is that okay? And would that be my max stocking?

I set the tank up yesterday so im a bit behind on starting a new journal. It took me 2 whole days to clean out the tank, move, paint and get it all set up.


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