Another Size Question

Probably not, needle nose fish need a large surface area in order to be able to turn around without banging their noses and avoid breaking their beak when they lunge at prey, personally i wouldnt place them into a tank with a footprint of less than 48x18". The height of the tank is less important but should be at least 12".
Probably not, needle nose fish need a large surface area in order to be able to turn around without banging their noses and avoid breaking their beak when they lunge at prey, personally i wouldnt place them into a tank with a footprint of less than 48x18". The height of the tank is less important but should be at least 12".

48x18 huh? :unsure: Maybe ill have a talk with the old ladie! Excuse for a new tank? Im to lazy to measure the tank DiscusAngel but its not 48x18. I really want some Needle Nose Gars, I think im gona have to buy a new tank. Oh well, guss it will have to wait. Thanks for the advise as always cfc and discus angel :good:
What about Silver Hujeta Gar. I only ask because i saw them at the new LFS. The owner told me they only grow to about 6 inches in aquaria. And they are a hell of alot less aggressive. True?

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