Another Siamese Algae Eater Id Parade

Frank the Tank

New Member
May 4, 2012
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ok as title suggests bought 3 of these from LFS and they were labeled as Siamese flying fox's, they all seem to school together in my tank and after reading countless different sites i think i may have 3 true SAE but i need confirmation.

i defo don't have CAE as mines don't have suckermouths and I've had CAE before so know what they look like, as far as i can see mine only have 2 whiskers , sorry for crap pics but they wont sit still.

if they are true SAE i am going back to my LFS to get more this weekend, they were only £2 each :D


They look like SAE's.

They look the ones pictured here
they look like true SAE's to me...they look like they need a feed.
they look like true SAE's to me...they look like they need a feed.

yup i agree, i've only had them for less than a week so gonna fatten these bad boys up. am i correct in saying true SAE are happier in groups ? if so how many
yes they are happier in groups, they do get quite large though. Nice fish as well.
One easy way to tell
C. siamensis has a peculiar resting position: it doesn't lie flat on its belly but keeps its body propped up with its tail, pelvic and pectoral fins. Young fish sometimes rest on broad leaves, adult specimens prefer resting on bottom or dense, low plants like Cryptocorynes. The swim bladder is not very developed, so the fish can't stay in midwater but it must be in constant motion or it sinks.

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