Another Rescue With Photos


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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popped into lfs even though supposed to only be going to Bank. New bettas 3 red boys, tank of assorted girls. all girls are ganging up on one she is hiding up the corner. The biggest one in there very scared and chewed tail so I got her for £1.99. shhhh!
Nice rescue again, how many now?
dont worry i wont tell if you dont :)

EDIT: Spelling
Congrats on the rescues

this is exactly why i have to avoid pet shops these days i always come home with something, whether it be a rescued fish or a rescued hamster that looked miserable :lol:
LOL, Bettas are addicting aren't they?! :p
Anyway, congrats on the rescue!! :D


Got a lump out of fin and tail, also out of top of head but cant really see it on here. Just put her in a spare tank, need to look round for ornaments. I darent spend any more money this week....
aww she's lovely looks like my Kanya xx
Good girl! I went to the petshop today to just get some sinking pellets for my black ghost knife (who eats like crazy!) and almost walked out of the place with this huge white bunny that was just too friendly. I tried justifying it lol, poor thing, it came right up to me, stood up and let me pet it between its ears and kept sniffing my fingers and I just wanted to bring that big ball of fluff home to my Sydney-a cat a rescued 2 years ago from a shelter. My cat was found in an abandoned warehouse with no food, water in a toilet and no way to get out. Needless to say she loves having a real home now and I could totally see her becoming best friends with that rabbit :)
I did get the food...and 4 more plants for my community tank and some more java moss for my betta's :nod:

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