Another Quick Question

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
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i was wondering are cleaner shrimp hardy. i seen them in my lfs and loved them
lol. also what is an average price. in my lfs there 15 pound. i seen some peppermints
but dont rely like them and in order to keep them i must have a live rock with pleanty of hiding spaces
Once established, cleaner shrimp are very hardy indeed, but they are a little fragile in the acclimation process. Of perhaps a greater concern is compatibility. Many fish will eat them :(
15 pounds seems steep. Thats about 28 dollars US. They sell them where I live here for 9 dollars. Thats about 5 pounds.
Where in upstate NY are you gettin cleaners for $9 :blink:
im not getting damsels now i just want small pieceful fish.
the shrimp in my lfs are massive how could anything eat them lol.
no they are about 3-4 inches with massive tentacles. are they ok to break up
the cycle like damsels are. o yeh shuold i get some live rock
You should wait till your cycle is complete before adding a cleaner shrimp and the same really goes for damsels too. When they are first added they are quite fragile to water conditions. Cleaner shrimp appreciate LR for food and also hiding places if they are stressed. Just like skifletch said once established they are amazingly hardy for a shrimp.
£15 sounds about right in the UK. What my LFS charge and for blood shrimps its about £24!
I'm having great luck with mine.the one just molted.that's awsome to watch.there 19 dollars here in columbus, ohio.
Basically all crustaceans shed their exo-skeleton to grow a larger shell. Which is their hard outshell btw.
Can I ask what your tank parameters are

Mainly ph, SG, & Ammonia :good:

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