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Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2005
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when you do water changes for bettas, do you just pour tap water, dechlorinator, then betta? or do you have to wait a while b4 putting the betta in? also what if there's ammonia in the water? will the dechlotinator(i use aqua plus) take care of that? ive always taken water from my other tank to change it so ive never used tap water b4. just wondering if you had to wait a while b4 you put the betta in.
I don't normally wait long, as I know how stressed they become in the cups. As long as your temps are the same as the other water, I say it should be fine.
Dechlor supposedly works in seconds, so I just pour my bettas right in after the dechlor. I've never had any problems with it, but then again, my tap water doesn't have much chlorine in it to begin with.
Dechlor will not remove ammonia unless it says it does so on the bottle.
dont use old tank water... just use tap :) hehe lot easyer and bettas do not need cycled tanks!!! btw here is was i do (i finally started remembering :S )

Take betta out and put in a cup of old water
Dump old water out
clean gravel
put in new tap water
dechlorinate tap water
pour betta into hand
and place betta in tank!

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