Another question


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
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I will probably be asking a million questions before im all said and done here. Hope you guys dont get sick of me asking questions! First of all an update on my tank - so far I have lost one fish (one of the painted glass- which I was expecting - 2 are still doing fine but keeping an eye on them) Other than that the tank is looking good. For those who did not see my post in tropical emergencies I got a 10 gallon for christmas and when I went to the pet store they never once mentioned anything to me about cycling. I filled the tank right up with 3 painted glass, 2 neons, 1 male guppy, 1 female guppy, 2 silver hatchet fish and 1 cory, one fish started showing signs of ich so I have been treating that as well. Ok so my question is I was told at one fish store that cories are not even taken into consideration for tank space - is that true? I am not planning on adding anymore fish to my tank for awhile, gonna try to get throught the cycling without losing anymore fish first, I was just wondering for future reference.
I've heard that corys are not accounted for tank space too, and it's untrue, they should be. Many people think that because they spend their time on the substrate, the waste load and space doesn't matter :X . By the way, it's a good idea to have small groups of Corydoras as they are shoaling fish. I'd recommend you buy around four or five more, but then you may be overstocked, as with the Guppys likely to produce fry, your tank will be pushing the limits of space and biological filtration load. What filtration do you have?

Hope that helps :)
The more questions you ask the more you learn...thats my experience anyway :D

Your LFS is talking a load of rubbish ..Every fish you add to a tank counts towards stocking levels. To work out how many fish your tank can hold (when fully cycled) try using this link:

One point to remember is little fish grow bigger and some cories can get to quite a size. Find out how big the fish you have and buy will get when fully grown and allow for this growth when working out your stocking levels.
Thanks guys! The filtration that I have right now is a box filter and an over the side cartridge filter. I have since then found another LFS whom seems to be trustworthy, the one who told me all about cycling (after it was too but when I went into his store and told him my setup the first question was how long has it been set up - when I told him he said lets go have a seat and talk fish..I was there for about an hour learning about cycling which rose my curiosity and I found this site here :D He does not like to consider himself to be a fish shop or pet shop he refers to his store as a hobbyist shop. He does not have a central filtration for his tanks they are all individual tanks, and they are all gorgeous and clean and alive! He agreed with you as far as tank space and cories, and also told me there should be at least 4 in the tank, we didnt talk space yet for more due to the fact that my tank is not fully cycled. I (especially from my experience) will not take one persons word anymore! I would rather get a few responses in agreement and then I can know to trust it. ( This site is great especially for that reason! You guys are great thanks again!

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