Another Question

Would it be cruel to lock you into the small powder room of a mansion for the rest of your life?

Unless the container is 1g, the betta should not live in it perminately. Regardless of tank size and airation, he's still in the little room of a big house and he wont do too well in there unless he can move around. I suggest buying him his own bowl or tank, or releaseing him into the main community (if possible). If you dont have an immediate home for him, he'll be just fine in the little cube, but he cant stay in there for-ever.
Ya that's what I thought because I have one that can also be used as a breeder box which is what I used it for and never put a betta in it because I thought it was cruel because it's so small. Thanks just wanted to make sure somebody else thought the same as I.
I think anyone who really cares for bettas knows that little tanks is not a nice thing. Bettas can survive in them but by choice I'm sure they wouldn't want to. You've got your head and heart in the right place.
Ya I had to put my betta in one once because his fins were torn up by me rtbs and he didn't lilke it too much but he had to go there until I rehomed the rtbs but after seeing how unhappy he was I have never since wanted to put a betta in there.
Well, I've "floated" bettas in a larger tank (usually the big tank is a female betta dorm) when a betta needs quarantining. If a fish gets sick, I put it into a large specimen tank and float it inside the bigger tanks to take advantage of the heat; if the quarantined fish is sick, it can be medicated without the big tank getting dosed yet it can still be safe from attack and yet doesn't have to feel all alone.

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