Fish Gatherer
That the fry will survive being out of the water for about 6 seconds...........YIKES!!!
I hope so, because I had to take the filter out of the water for exactly that long and put a piece of pantyhose around the intake tube so the fry that fall down off the intake tube won't get sucked up.....I think that's what's happening to them...............
Anyhow, I did try and put my hand in there and just do it under water, but the daddy would in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM allow that.......he almost hopped out of the water and that's all I favorite angel DEAD!!!
Anybody know, I'm worried now

I hope so, because I had to take the filter out of the water for exactly that long and put a piece of pantyhose around the intake tube so the fry that fall down off the intake tube won't get sucked up.....I think that's what's happening to them...............
Anyhow, I did try and put my hand in there and just do it under water, but the daddy would in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM allow that.......he almost hopped out of the water and that's all I favorite angel DEAD!!!
Anybody know, I'm worried now