Another Q


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Nov 15, 2004
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would an Oscar be okay in a 55 gallon tank? I think it is 4 ' across and like 1.5' back.
I have heard of people keeping oscars in 55 gallons successfuly but generaly, a 75 gallon is considered the absolute minnimum.
I got my Oscar in May at a little over 1" long. He's in a 112 with a common plec also bought in May who was a little over 2" long. My Plec is around 9 inches now, and the oscar is somewhere around 7 or 8 inches long. So he's grown considerably in the last six months. I would not recommend trying to keep them in a small tank for "now" with "upgrade plans" because if something falls through they will rapidly outgrow a smaller tank. Mine outgrew a 55 in Sept.
I think they don't grow particularly fast - it realy depends on conditions though. Good water quality, high temperature and good quality food helps with growth and a healthy fish... If you are thinking about getting a 55 and then upgrading, I think you might as well just get the larger tank to begin with - it'll cost less in the long run. On the other hand, 55 gallons CAN hold an adult oscar so you'd have plenty of time to up-grade before the oscar gets to full size.
Oscars start off growing very fast, and like most fish the pace slows down as they get bigger.

75 gallon is more recommend because these fish can grow as large as 12", or larger. The tank width of a 55 gallon is 12". You can see how space is an issue. The extra 6" of depth on the 75 makes a difference.

With that in mind, it will be a long time before it really grows that big, so a 55 would be fine for a while to come.
ok. I wasn't planning on getting one if i had to upgrade but i just wanted to know.

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